Pomelo is native to Thailand and Malaysia. It is the largest representative of the citrus fruit.
White Pomelo belongs to the Citrus Grandis family, characterized by yellow-green colored skin, which is thick and hard to peel. The pulp is white and sweet flavored. The taste is sour and slightly bitter, but sweeter than the yellow grapefruit. Pomelo is available for customers between October to May. Red Pomelo is smoother and thinner-skinned, which is juicy and compact with pink pulp and a slightly more compressed shape. The Israeli-grown Red Pomelo ripens between October to February.


  • Packaging: cartons of 11- 15 kg net
  • Recommended storage & transport temperature: 8 °C
  • Relative Humidity: 90
  • Freezing Temperature: -1.6°C

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